At Metabase I wrote a macro called defendpoint for defining (you guessed it!) REST API endpoints with a typical usage that looks something like

(api/defendpoint POST "/:id/copy"
  "Copy a `Card`, with the new name 'Copy of _name_'"
  ;; Malli schemas defined after the argslist are used for validation
  {id [:maybe ms/PositiveInt]}
  (let [orig-card (api/read-check Card id)
        new-name  (str (trs "Copy of ") (:name orig-card))
        new-card  (assoc orig-card :name new-name)]
    (-> (card/create-card! new-card @api/*current-user*)
        (assoc :last-edit-info (last-edit/edit-information-for-user @api/*current-user*)))))

I was spending a lot of time scratching my head wondering why Clojure LSP jump-to-definition functionality wasn’t working as expected inside defendpoint. I wrote a custom clj-kondo hook for it, but moving my cursor to something like api/read-check and doing something M-x lsp-find-definition would just take me to the start of the defendpoint form rather than what I was expecting.

Debugging this issue was pretty hard – while there was clearly something wrong with my custom Kondo hook, but I couldn’t figure out what it was.

In the end I finally managed to figure out how to debug these sorts of things so I’m writing down my steps in case anyone else runs into the same problem.

Add Clojure LSP as a dependency

I added this to my deps.edn:

  {:extra-deps {com.github.clojure-lsp/clojure-lsp {:mvn/version "2024.08.05-18.16.00"}
                dev.weavejester/cljfmt             {:git/url ""
                                                    :git/sha "434408f6909924f524c8027b37422d32bb49622d"}}}}}

Note that at the time of this writing because of clojure-lsp/clojure-lsp#1867 I had to add a fake dependency for cljfmt to make this work as well – I just used the latest Git SHA at the time of this writing.

Launch REPL with the :lsp alias

In Emacs I used

C-u M-x cider-jack-in

to let me edit the command it used to launch the nREPL to add the :lsp alias. Note that I launched the REPL from the same project I was debugging.

Debug from the REPL

This is the code I came up with while poking thru Kondo and LSP internals to debug things:

(require 'clj-kondo.hooks-api

(defn find-element [path line col]
  (binding [clj-kondo.hooks-api/*reload* true]
    (letfn [(analysis [path]
              (let [db*              (atom {})
                    config           nil
                    file-analyzed-fn identity]
                (clojure-lsp.kondo/run-kondo-on-paths! [path] db* config file-analyzed-fn)))
            (db-with-analysis [path]
              (clojure-lsp.kondo/db-with-analysis {} (analysis path)))]
      (let [db  (db-with-analysis path)
            uri (str "file://" (.getAbsolutePath ( path)))]
        (clojure-lsp.queries/find-element-under-cursor db uri line col)))))

Binding clj-kondo.hooks-api/*reload* is important so Clojure LSP will reload your Kondo config (e.g., custom hooks) after you make changes to it.

The basic idea here is to run Kondo on a specific file path and then pass that analysis along to LSP which can find the element at a given position in a file based on that analysis.

All you need is a file name to debug and a line number and column number that positions the cursor over the symbol you want to debug.

Example usage:

(let [path "src/metabase/api/card_2.clj"
      line 17
      col  21]
  (some-> (find-element path line col)
          (select-keys [:name :alias :from :from-var :to])))
;;=> {:name read-check, :alias api, :from metabase.api.card-2, :from-var POST_:id_copy, :to metabase.api.common}

If your Kondo hook is broken then this will either return nothing or return the wrong information. If the information looks something like the example result above then things should work as expected.

What was broken?

My original version of the hook returned when I used the find-element code above.

{:name POST_:id_copy}

My hook basically looked like this (simplified a bit):

(ns hooks.metabase.api.common
   [clj-kondo.hooks-api :as api]
   [clojure.string :as str])

(defn route-fn-name
  "route fn hook"
  [method route]
  (let [route (if (vector? route) (first route) route)]
    (-> (str (name method) route)
        (str/replace #"/" "_")

;;; Original custom Kondo hook -- BROKEN!!
(defn defendpoint
  (letfn [(update-defendpoint [node]
            (let [[_defendpoint method route & body] (:children node)]
                (api/token-node 'do)
                (api/token-node (symbol "compojure.core" (str (api/sexpr method))))
                (-> (api/list-node
                      (api/token-node 'clojure.core/defn)
                      (api/token-node (route-fn-name (api/sexpr method) (api/sexpr route)))
                    (with-meta (meta node)))))))]
    (update arg :node update-defendpoint)))

which means the example at the beginning would be transformed in a node representing a form like this:

;;; Output of custom Kondo hook
   (clojure.core/defn POST_:id_copy
     "Copy a `Card`, with the new name 'Copy of _name_'"
     {id [:maybe ms/PositiveInt]}
     (let [orig-card (api/read-check Card id)
           new-name (str (trs "Copy of ") (:name orig-card))
           new-card (assoc orig-card :name new-name)]
       (-> (card/create-card! new-card @api/*current-user*)
           (assoc :last-edit-info (last-edit/edit-information-for-user @api/*current-user*))))))

We’re generating a do form here so we can capture the usage of compojure.core/POST so Kondo doesn’t think it’s unused if it’s in our :require form in the ns declaration.

Side note: this is mentioned in the Kondo docs but you can verify your Kondo hook output looks correct on the surface level by Kondo itself as a dep and using clj-kondo.hooks-api/parse-string and clj-kondo.hooks-api/sexpr:

;;; debugging custom Kondo hooks
(def form
  '(api/defendpoint POST "/:id/copy"
     "Copy a `Card`, with the new name 'Copy of _name_'"
     {id [:maybe ms/PositiveInt]}
     (let [orig-card (api/read-check Card id)
           new-name  (str (trs "Copy of ") (:name orig-card))
           new-card  (assoc orig-card :name new-name)]
       (-> (card/create-card! new-card @api/*current-user*)
           (assoc :last-edit-info (last-edit/edit-information-for-user @api/*current-user*))))))

(-> {:node (-> form

I’ve actually started putting stuff like these in tests to make sure I don’t break my dozens of custom Kondo hooks.

Anyways “looks correct at a surface level” is key here. Because while this output looks correct, what you do with the metadata (specifically stuff like start and end line and column numbers) from the original nodes is actually super important to Clojure LSP. (They’re important to Kondo too to make sure warnings pop up in the right place.)

If you want to see what this metadata looks like in your REPL you can

(set! *print-meta* true)

or just bind *print-meta* and use something like clojure.pprint/pprint e.g.

(binding [*print-meta* true]
  (-> {:node (-> form

The output is actually super noisy so I’ll leave it out here.

The fixed version of the hook actually has the exact same output aside from some changes to metadata.

Here’s the fixed version of the hook above:

;;; custom Kondo hook -- FIXED
(defn defendpoint
  (letfn [(update-defendpoint [node]
            (let [[_defendpoint method route & body] (:children node)]
              (-> (api/list-node
                    (api/token-node 'do)
                    (-> (api/token-node (symbol "compojure.core" (str (api/sexpr method))))
                        (with-meta (meta method)))
                      (api/token-node 'clojure.core/defn)
                      (-> (api/token-node (route-fn-name (api/sexpr method) (api/sexpr route)))
                          (with-meta (meta route)))
                  (with-meta (meta node)))))]
    (update arg :node update-defendpoint)))

The important change here was to give the generated function name symbol POST_:id_copy the metadata (line and column start and end numbers) from the original "/:id/copy" string. It seems like without knowing where a function name is defined in the text file (or rather, where it is restricted to) LSP for whatever reason was assuming the entire defendpoint form served as a the function name which meant any attempt to find the definition under the cursor anywhere in that form would assume you were trying jump to the function definition itself.

Other changes I made which didn’t seem to fix anything but seem more correct are:

  • compojure.core/POST now gets the metadata (line and column start and end numbers) from the original POST symbol (the method parameter) from the original node

  • The overall new top-level list node gets the metadata from the original top-level node rather than putting it on the generated defn node. Not sure this makes a huge difference TBH.


Custom Kondo hooks are powerful and worth the time it takes to wrap your head around rewrite-clj. Debugging them is tricky, and debugging them when used by LSP is even trickier. I haven’t seen it documented anywhere before, but it is possible. I hope you find this useful!

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